The Low Back Project - Day 14
Kneeling Hamstring Activation
The kneeling hamstring activation is a great exercise to improve hamstring control. Sitting for hours on end can create hamstring inhibition causing quad dominance and an anterior pelvic tilt. This is a great piece to wake the hamstrings up.
Kneel down on one knee with the other leg up in a 90/90 position. Once there, you will lift your back foot off the ground and bring it as close as you can to your butt. You have two options, you can rep these out or you can hold the position. In the video I show you both options. First, I go through 5 reps, then I do a static hold, holding a yoga block so I have some resistance to pull into.
Do this for 3 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 30 second holds per leg.
Let me know how it goes,