How To Improve Hip Joint Health. Part II

Improving hip joint range of motion is not an easy task. Strength + Flexibility = Mobility. This equation is a basic breakdown of the principles but the most important piece is missing. Consistency. I have found that without consistency, your progress will be extremely slow or even plateaued.

I have found it is best to have a plan in place (I’ll show you an example below). When you have plan, you no longer have to think about it or create a plan for the day. You look at your plan and perform each day. It is something you can add you your workout routine or do it on its own when you wake up or right before bed.

Improving function in your hips, you want to have a warm up, a strength piece and a flexibility piece. I have found this formula worked the best for me.

Here is a sample routine to improve hip function which could be done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The routine is set up as supersets. For example, on Day 1 you would complete it as A1, A2, A1, A2, A1, A2 before moving on to B, then B1, B2, B1, B2, B1, B2 before moving on to C….

This sample routine is going to cover all hip ranges.

Day 1 - Front Split

A1: Straight Leg Couch Stretch 3x30s OR Couch Quad Stretch

A2: Single Leg Pike 3x30s

B1: Long Lunge Pulse 3x5

B2: Seated Pike Lift 3x10

C1: Front Split Check In 1x60s each leg

C2: Half Kneeling Hip Flexor 1x5

C3: Standing Pike 1x60s

Day 2 - Side Split

A1: Standing Hip Grinder 1x10

A2: Standing Straddle Pike 1x60s

B1: Straddle QL Series 5x5@10s hold on last rep

B2: Seated/Straddle Good Morning 5x5

B3: Internal Hip Rotation Stretch 5x30s

C1: Horse Stance Squats 2x5

C2: Hero Pose 2x30s

D1: Side Split Push Ups 1x10 (30s last rep)

E1: Pancake Check In 1x60s

Day 3 - Head2Toe

A1: Squat to Pike 1x10

A2: Standing Calf Stretch 1x60s

A3: Single Leg Pike 1x30s

B1: L-Sit 3x15s

B2: Jefferson Curl 3x5

B3: Donkey Calf Raise 3x10

B4: Loaded Head to Knee 3x5 (5 sec hold)

C1: H2T Pulse 3x30

C2: Hero Pose 3x10s | Floor Quad Stretch 3x30s

*Rep schemes with the letter ‘s’ following means seconds, so you would hold the stretch for say 30 seconds. Rep schemes with no letter would stand for reps (ex. 5 reps)

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How To Improve Hip Joint Health