Jamison Family Chiropractic | Richmond's Award-Winning Family Chiropractor

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The Low Back Project

Starting Tuesday, December 1st, I will be releasing a video per day (for 14 days) of a flexibility or strength piece for you to try. These exercises are based on restrictions and weaknesses that I am seeing in the office. This will be a little journey that you can use as an assessment to see if you have any restrictions or weaknesses that are holding you back. These will give you immediate feedback on where you are and what things you need to work on. Some things you will have seen or tried before and some you may not have seen or tried before. Don’t force any movements, especially if you experience pain. If you experience pain, STOP! Explore the movements and let me know if you have any questions with any of it. If this is received well, I will continue to do these throughout the year. Please give me feedback, it will help me with where to go next.