Jamison Family Chiropractic | Richmond's Award-Winning Family Chiropractor

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August Updates

August Updates

Hi All!

This month, I have some good information for you and a favor to ask of you!

Changes to the Schedule - The landlord will be replacing the flooring in the office on Friday, August 23rd - Sunday, August 25th, so the office will be CLOSED on Friday, August 23rd. Also, the office will be CLOSED for Labor Day - Monday, September 2nd.

Article I'm Reading - The Posture Series Part 2 - Posture and Neurodegenerative Diseases - A subluxated spine may impact the flow of CSF in and around the nervous system. As the brain uses CSF to get waste from the lymphatic vessels in the brain to the body’s venous circulation, thus preventing a build up of brain waste, proteins or plaque, the removal of subluxations could have significant impacts on neurodegenerative diseases. https://spinalresearch.com.au/the-posture-series-part-2/

Stretch/Exercise - the 90/90 hip stretch is a great opener for the hips. A lot of us have some sort of restriction in our hips which can cause the lower back to compensate creating lower back issues. This article covers the 90/90 stretch and is a great move to add to your daily movement practice. If this is too difficult, let me know and we can go over progressions to it. https://www.onnit.com/academy/increase-hip-mobility/

Google Reviews - a lot of you have already filled out a Google review for me. Thank you! I really appreciate it! A lot of you have found me through Google reviews. This is one of the main ways that I am found when someone in our community is in need of a chiropractor. If you haven't already written a review, would you please consider writing one for me so I can continue to reach our community? Thank you so much!!! If you want to write one, click this link.... https://goo.gl/BbRr6q

Quote - "Breathing is the remote control to the mind"

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
